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三月出版:大陸書 台灣書
二月出版:大陸書 台灣書

『簡體書』北京大学法学百科全书·社会法学 环境法学 知识产权法学 科技法学

書城自編碼: 2812338
作者: 北京大学法学百科全书编委会
國際書號(ISBN): 9787301266427
出版社: 北京大学出版社
出版日期: 2016-05-20
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 976/2211000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 285.0



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《 现金为王:把利润留下来,把成本降下去 》

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《 经纬度丛书·巴勒斯坦人的故事:流亡者的悲情、绝望与抗争 》

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《 改变世界的哲学家们 》

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《 墓志的生成及其在唐代的衍变研究 》

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《 理解中国经济:在大变局中读懂新机遇 》

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《北京大学法学百科全书社会法学 环境法学 知识产权法学 科技法学》选条和释义融学术性、知识性、应用性于一体,充分反映了当代中外法学研究和法制建设的新成果、新观点、新发展和新经验。
《北京大学法学百科全书社会法学 环境法学 知识产权法学 科技法学》由知识产权法、社会法、环境法、科技法四部分内容的词条构成。全书选条和释义融学术性、知识性、应用性于一体,充分反映了当代中外法学研究和法制建设的新成果、新观点、新发展和新经验。
目 录

《阿拉伯联盟环境与发展宣言》Arab League Declaration on Environment and Development)
爱尔伯福制(Elberfelder System)
安全奖award for security)
安全区(safe zone)
《安全生产法》Law on Safety in Production of P.R.C)
暗示商标(implicit trademark)
奥林匹克标志(Olympic symbols)
《奥林匹克标志保护条例》Regulations on the Protection of Olympic Symbols
奥林匹克知识产权(intellectual property rights on Olympic)
奥哲尔(George Odger,18201877)
澳门《劳资关系法令》Labour Relations Act of Macau)
澳门《社会保障法令》Social Security Act of Macau)
863计划863 Program)
巴黎联盟(Paris Union)
《(扒炭工和司炉工)最低年龄公约》Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Young Persons to Employment as Trimmers or Stokers)
罢工权(right to strike)
白宫科学技术政策办公室(The Whitehouse Office of Science and Technology Policy, OSTP)
白色清单条款(terms in white list)
《班吉协定》(Bangui Agreement)
版本保存(version save)
版权标记(copyright notice)
版权产业(copyright industry)
版权声明(copyright notice)
版权市场(copyright market)
版权战略(copyright strategy)
版权自动保护(automatic protection)
《保护北极熊协定》Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears)
《保护表演者、录音制品制作者和广播组织的国际公约》(International Convention for the Protection of Performers,Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations)
《保护臭氧层维也纳公约》Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer)
《保护工业产权巴黎公约》Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
《保护录音制品制作者防止未经许可复制其录音制品公约》(Geneva Convention on the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms)
《保护南极海豹公约》Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals)
《保护原产地名称及其国际注册里斯本协定》(Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Their International Registration)
保护知识产权举报投诉服务中心(Service Center for IP Protection)
《保护植物新品种日内瓦公约》Geneva Convention for the Protection of New Variety of Plant
保护作品完整权(right of integrity)
保加利亚《自然保护法》Nature Conservation Act of Bulgaria)
保健津贴allawance for health)
保密措施(measures for keeping secrets)
保障基本生活原则the principle of ensuring basic living)
北极理事会(Arctic Council)
北京地球村(Beijing Global Village)
《北京市奥林匹克知识产权保护规定》(Provisions on the Protection of Beijing Olympic Intellectual Property Right)
《北京宣言》Beijing Declaration)
北欧模式Nordic Model)
贝弗里奇报告(William Beveridges Report)
贝弗里奇计划(William Beveridges Program)
背景噪声(background noise)
被许可人禁止反言原则(license estoppel)
本领域普通技术人员(person having ordinary skill in the art)
本身违法原则(per se rule)
比较广告(comparative advertisement)
比较环境法(comparative environmental law)
比重法(specific gravity method)
必须使用注册商标的商品(goods must use a registered trademark)
必要专利(essential patent)
避风港(safe harbor)
《避免对版权使用费双重征税的多边条约》(Madrid Multilateral Convention on the Avoidance of Double Taxation of Copyright Royalties)
边缘福利(fringe benefits)
编辑作品(edited works)
便民利民服务(service convenient to the people and benefit for the people)
变革谋胜利(Change to Win)
变更申请(application for the change of trademark registration)
标准工资standard wages)
标准工作时间(standard working hours)
标准化战略(standardization strategy)
标准活动的反垄断审查(antitrust investigation in standardization)
标准制定组织(standard setting organization)
表演权(right of performance)
表演者权(right of performer)
《濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约》Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, CITES)
病假illness leave)
病假待遇illness leave benefits)
病假工资salary for illness leave)
波兰残疾人合作社(the disabled cooperative in Poland)
《伯尔尼公约》(Berne Convention)
驳回申请(ejection of an application)
补充医疗保险supplementary medical insurance)
不定时工作制(system of irregular working hours)
不对称法律关系(unsymmetrical legal relations)
不可注册商标(unregistrable trademark)
不可专利的客体(unpatentable subject matter)
《不扩散核武器条约》Treaty on the NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons, NPT)
不受著作权法保护的作品(works not protected by copyright law)
不正当竞争行为(unwarrantable competing actions)
不主张专利权申明(nonassertion letter)
部分积累制proportional accumulation system)
部分判决制度(partial judgment system)
部分丧失劳动能力partly loss of working ability)
残疾儿童(disabled children)
残疾儿童康复中心(rehabilitation center for the disabled children)
残疾津贴(allowance for the disabled)
残疾人(persons with disabilities)
《残疾人职业康复和就业公约(第159号公约)》Convention concerning Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Disabled Persons)
残疾人福利(welfare of the handicapped)
残疾人福利事业费(welfare expenditure for the handicapped)
残疾人辅助设施和工具(auxiliary facilities instrument for the disabled)
《残疾人机会均等标准规则》(the Standard Rules on The Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities)
残疾人教育福利(the education welfare of the disabled)
残疾人救助disabled persons assistance)
残疾人救助制度(social assistance system for the persons with disabilities)
残疾人就业(employment of the disabled)
《残疾人就业条例》Regulation on Employment of Disabled Persons)
残疾人康复(rehabilitation of the disabled)
残疾人社会安全保障(social safety security for the disabled)
残疾人社会发展保障(social development security of the disabled)
残疾人社会福利机构(social welfare institutions for the disabled)
残疾人社会物质保障(social material security of the disabled)
残疾人文化娱乐福利(culture and entertainment welfare for the disabled)
《草原法》Grassland Law)
《草原防火条例》Regulation on Grassland Fire Prevention)
拆封许可(shrinkwrap license)
产假maternity leave)
产品发明(product invention)
产学研合作(industryacademy collaboration)
产学研合作创新组织体industryacademy collaboration innovative organization)
产学研联合创新机制(mechanism of cooperative innovation among enterprises, universities and research institutes)
产学研联合开发工程(industryacademy project)
产学研联盟(industryacademy alliance)
产学研一体化(integration of industryacademy)
产业革命(the Industrial Revolution)
产业工会industrial trade union federation)
产业政策论(industrial policy theory)
撤销注册商标(cancellation of a registered trademark)
《城市放射性废物管理办法》Measures on Management of Urban Radioactive Waste)
《城市居民最低生活保障条例》Regulation of Subsistence Allowances for the Urban Poor)
《城市绿化条例》Regulation on City Virescence)
城市贫困(povertystricken area in city)
城市生活垃圾(municipal waste)
城市失业救助制度unemployment assistance system in city)
《城市市容和环境卫生管理条例》Regulation on Management of Urban Appearance and Environmental Sanitation)
城市烟尘控制区(urban fume control zone)
城市噪声(urban noise)
城镇污水集中处理设施(facilities for the concentrated treatment of urban sewage)
城镇职工基本医疗保险basic health insurance for urban workers and staff)
驰名取得(obtain by fame)
驰名商标(wellknown trademark)
《驰名商标认定和保护规定》(Provisions on the Recognition and Protection of Wellknown Trademark)
驰名商号(famous trade name)
持久性有机污染物(persistent organic pollutants)
充分就业(full employment)
筹资渠道模式models of fundraising channel)
筹资形式模式(models of fundraising form)
臭氧层保护(ozone layer protection)
臭氧层耗损(ozone layer depletion)
臭氧层破坏(ozone layer destroy)
出版者权(right of publisher)
初步审查(preliminary examination
初步审定公告(reliminary examination affiche)
《处于危险的世界遗产目录》List of World Heritage In Danger)
传统农业traditional agriculture)
传统医学(traditional medicine
传统知识(traditional knowledge)
船舶污染事故报告书(report of vessel pollution accident)
创新动力(motivations of innovation)
创新绩效(innovation performance)
创新激励(innovation incentive)
创新模式(innovation modes)
创新能力(innovation capability)
创新型国家(innovative country)
创新要素(factors of innovation)
创新主体(innovation subjects)
慈善活动(benevolent activities)
慈善机构(philanthropic group)
慈善基金会(charity federation)
慈善募捐(charity donation)
慈善晚会(charity evening)
次生环境问题(secondary environmental problems)
从契约到身份(from contract to status)
从身份到契约(from status to contract)
从属权利要求(dependent claim)
搭便车(free riding)
大陆架continental shelf)
大气环境质量公报(reports on the quality of the atmospheric environment)
大气污染(atmospheric pollution)
大气污染防治法(the law of the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution)
大气污染防治重点城市(key cities for the control of air pollution)
《大清著作权律》(The Copyright Law of the Great Qing)
代为处置制度(administrative substitute disposal system)
待业(wait for employment)
待业保险unemployment insurance of planning economy)
待业期间duration of unemployment of planning economy)
待业职工unemployed workers of planning economy)
单项奖individual award)
单一性原则(principle of unity)
盗用信息(misappropriation of information)
德国工会联合会Confederation of German Trade Unions)
德国雇主协会总会(Confederation of German Employers Association)
德国《联邦数据保护法》Germany Federal Data Protection Act)
德国模式German model)
《德意志帝国工业法》German Reich Industry Act)
登记对抗主义(principle of register for withstanding)
登记生效主义(principle of register for becoming effective)
等级工资制graded wage system)
等同侵权原则(doctrine of equivalent infringement)
低收入家庭救助制度(social assistance system for the lowincome home)
《低收入家庭能源帮助计划》(The LowIncome Home Energy Assistance Program, LIHEAP)
抵触申请(interfering application)
抵消政策(offset policy)
地方标准(regional standard)
地方工会local trade union federation)
地理标志(geographic indication)
地理标志的侵害行为(infringement on geographic indication)
地理标志权(right on geographic indication)
地理环境(geographical environment)
地名(place name)
地质环境(geological environment)
第三法域jurisdiction of the third law)
第三条道路Third Path)
《电磁辐射环境保护管理办法》Measures on the Management of Electromagnetic Radiation Environmental Protection
电磁辐射污染(electromagnetic radiation pollution)
电视作品(television work)
电信资源(telecommunication resource)
电影作品(cinematographic work)
电子代理人(electronic agent)
电子公告板(bulletin board system,BBS)
电子合同(electronic contract)
电子货币(electronic currency)
电子计算机创作作品(works created by computer)
电子签名认证证书(electronic signature authentication certificate)
电子认证服务(electronic authentication service)
《电子认证服务管理办法》Measures for the Administration of Electronic Certification Services)
电子商务(electronic commerce)
电子商务法(ecommerce law)
电子数据交换(electronic data exchange,EDI)
《电子银行安全评估指引》Guidelines for the Security Assessment of Electronic Banks)
《电子银行业务管理办法》Measures for the Administration of Electronic Banking)
电子证据(electronic evidence)
电子政务(electronic government)
电子作品(electronic works)
雕塑作品(works of sculpture)
《定居法》Settlement Act)
定牌商品(goods with designated brand)
东南亚模式Southeast Asian Model)
动态商标(dynamic trademark)
动物和植物品种(animal and plant varieties)
动物伦理(animal ethics)
独立科研机构(independent scientific research institutions)
独立权利要求(independent claim)
独生子女补助费(onechild subsidy)
独占实施权(exclusive exploitation rights)
独占许可(exclusive license)
《对男女工人同等价值的工作付予同等报酬公约》Convention Concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value)
对外技术依存度(dependent ratio for external technology)
多媒体作品(multimedia work)
多项优先权(several priorities)
多余指定原则(principle superfluity establishing)
《俄罗斯联邦地下资源法》Federal Law of Russian Federation on Mineral Resources)
《俄罗斯联邦动物界法》Russian Federation Law on Animal World)
《俄罗斯联邦环境保护法》Federal Law of Russian on Environmental Protection)
《俄罗斯联邦森林法典》Forest Code of the Russian Federation)
《俄罗斯联邦生产和消费废弃物法》Federal Law on Production and Consumption Waste)
《俄罗斯联邦生态鉴定法》Russian Federation Law on Ecological Examination)
《俄罗斯联邦水法典》Water Code of the Russian Federation)
俄罗斯总统科学与高技术委员会(Russias Presidential Scientific and Hightech Committee)
额头出汗原则(Sweat of Brow Doctrine)
恶意注册域名domain name malice registration
恩格尔系数法(Method of Engels Coefficient)
儿童保健(childrens health care)
儿童福利(childs welfare)
儿童福利院(children welfare institute)
儿童抚育津贴(child foster allowance)
儿童计划免疫(childrens immunity plan)
儿童救助child assistance)
儿童免费教育(childrens free education)
儿童权益(childrens rights and interests)
儿童少年基金会China Children and Teenagers Fund)
儿童社会福利机构(organization of childrens social welfare)
二次作品(secondary works)
《2000年的地球》The Earth in 2000)
2049行动计划2049planNational Scheme for Scientific Literacy)
《2010年前和未来俄罗斯联邦科技发展基本政策》Russia Federal Science and Technology Development Fundamental Policy before 2010 and in Future)
《二十一世纪议程》Agenda 21)
《21世纪纳米技术研究开发法案》21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act)
二元法律结构dual legal structure)
发表权(right of publication)
发明创造奖prize for inventions and innovations)
发明人或设计人(inventor or designer)
发明人或设计人奖励(encouragement for inventor or designer)
发明专利(invention patent)
发明专利的推广应用(planned license)
发现权(right to discovery)
发行权(right of distribution)
发展权rights of progress)
发展性福利developmental welfare)
《发展中国家外观设计示范法》Model Law on Industry Design Protection for Developing Countries
《发展中国家保护发明示范法》Model Law on Patent Protection for Developing Countries
《发展中国家商标、商号和不正当竞争行为示范法》Model Law for Trademark, Trade Name and Unfair Competition in Developing Countries
法定标准(de jure standard)
法定福利(statutory welfare)
法定节日(statutory festival)
法国企业运动(Movement of French Enterprises)
法国五月风暴(French Maystorm)
法国《知识产权法典》Intellectual Property Code, France)
法国总工会General Confederation of Labour)
法律援助(legal aid)
法律援助对象(target of legal aid)
法律援助方式(way of legal aid)
法律援助机构(legal aid organization)
法律援助制度(legal aid system)
法人作品(works of legal entity)
法人作者(corporate author)
翻译权(right of translation)
反不正当竞争法对知识产权的兜底保护(reveal all the details to the protection of IPR through antiunfair competition law)
反向工程(reverse engineering)
方法发明(process invention)
方法专利延伸保护(method patent extends protection)
防卫专利(defensive patent)
防汛抗洪(flood prevention and control)
防御商标(defendable trademark)
《防止拆船污染环境管理条例》Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on the Environment Protection from the Shipbreaking)
《防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋公约》Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter)
《防治船舶污染海洋环境管理条例》Regulations on Administration of Prevention and Control of Pollution to the Marine Environment by Vessels
放射性标识与警示说明(radioactivity identification and the warning statements)
放射性防护(radioactive safeguard)
放射性废物(radioactive wastes)
《放射性同位素与射线装置安全和防护条例》Regulation on Safety and Protection for Radioactive isotopes and Radiationemitting Facilities)
《放射性同位素与射线装置安全许可管理办法》Regulations for Safety and Protection Against Radioisotopes and RadiationEmitting Apparatus
放射性污染(radioactive pollution)
放射性污染防治法(The Law of the Prevention and Control of Radioactive Pollution)
《放射性物品运输安全管理条例》Radioactive Materials Transportation Safety Regulations
放射源(radioactive source)
放映权(the right of projection)
非法复制(illegal copy)
非商业性使用(noncommercial use)
非视觉商标(invisible trademark)
非物质财产论(nonmaterial belongings theory)
非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage)
非因工伤残disability not relating to work)
非营利性科研机构(nonprofit scientific research institutions)
非正常专利申请abnormal patent application
非职务发明(nonservice invention)
非自愿失业involuntary unemployment)
《废物进口环境保护管理暂行规定》Interim Provisions for the Management of Environmental Protection regarding the Import of Waste Materials
费边社会主义(Fabian Socialism)
分案申请(divisional application)
《风景名胜区条例》Regulation on Scenic Resort
风险共担risk share)
风险投资(venture capital)
风险投资基金(venture capital fund)
风险投资企业(venture capital firm)
扶残助残活动(activities supporting the handicapped)
扶贫(poverty alleviation)
扶贫基金(poverty alleviation fund)
服务期(term of service)
服务商标(service trademark)
服务业雇员国际工会Service Employees International Union,SEIU)
浮动工资floating age)
福利财政补助(financial aid for welfare)
福利管理机构(welfare administrative organizations)
福利国家welfare state)
福利国家模式welfare state model)
福利国家制度welfare state system)
福利津贴(welfare allowance)
福利经济学welfare economics)
福利经营机构(welfare management institutions)
福利设施(welfare facilities)
福利社会(welfare society)
福利社会主义(welfare socialism)
福利政策welfare policy)
福利住房供给制system of welfare housing)
福利住房制度welfare housing system)
福利资本主义(welfare capitalism)
抚养未成年子女家庭援助计划(Aid To Families With Dependment Children, AFDC)
辅助工资auxiliary wages)
《妇女)井下作业公约(第45号公约)》Convention Concerning the Employment of Women on Underground Work in Mines of All Kinds)
妇女儿童福利设施(women childrens welfare facilities)
妇女儿童社会保障(women childrens social security)
妇女福利(woman welfare)
妇女就业保障(woman employment social security)
妇女就业率(woman employment rate)
妇女权益(woman rights and interests)
妇幼保健制度(mother childs health care system)
负所得税(negative income tax)
附加工资supplementary salary)
附属性科技立法Adjunctive Science and Technology Law)
复制权(right of reproduction)
富山骨痛病案件(Itaiitai Disease Lawsuit Case in Toyama)
改编权(right of adaptation)
改进发明(improvement invention)
改进专利(dependent patent)
《干预公海油类污染事故国际公约》International Convention Relating to Intervention on High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties, Intervention Convention)
冈帕斯Samuel Gompers,18501924)
高处作业high altitude busywork)
《高等学校特聘教授工作考核评估办法(试行)》Methods Concerning the Work Evaluation of the Distinguishedappointed Professors in Colleges and Universities for Trail Implementation)
《高等学校仪器设备管理办法》Measures Concerning the Management of Instrument and Equipment of Colleges and Universities)
《高等学校重点实验室建设与管理暂行办法》Interim Measures Concerning the Construction and Management of Key Laboratory of Colleges and Universities)
高技术(high technology)
高温津贴allowance for high temperature)
高温作业busywork under high temperature)
《高校科技创新工程重大项目培育资金项目管理办法》Management Measures Concerning the Cultivation Fund of the Key Scientific and Technical Innovation Project of the Colleges and Universities)
高新技术产业开发区(Hightech Industrial Development Zone)
高新技术成果商品化(high technology achievements commercialization)
高新技术企业(high technology enterprise)
《高新技术企业认定管理办法》Administrative Measures for the Identification of High Technology Enterprise
稿酬(authors remuneration)
哥本哈根气候变化峰会(Copenhagen Climate Change Conference 2009)
《哥本哈根协议》Copenhagen Accord)
《哥达纲领批判》Criticism of Gherts Creed)
革命根据地的劳动立法labor legislation in revolutionary base areas)
个别争议(individual dispute)
个人奖prize for individuals)
个人社会福利服务(personal social services)
个人数据保护(personal data protection)
个人信息(personal information)
《个人信用信息基础数据库管理暂行办法》Interim Measures for the Administration of the Basic Data of Individual Credit Information)
个人责任本位personal obligation based)
个人账户personal accounts)
个体商标(individual trademark)
《工厂安全卫生规程》Rules for Factory Safety and Sanitation)
《工厂法》【英国】(Factory Act)
工厂立法(factory legislation)
工程设计、产品设计图纸及其说明(engineering designs and product designs and their demonstrations)
工会trade union)
《工会法》Trade Union Law of P. R. C.)
工会法律保障legal security for trade unions)
工会法律地位(legal status of trade union)
工会法律性质(legal character of trade union)
工会法人juridical person of trade union)
《工会工作通讯》Communication of Trade Unionss Work)
工会会员member of trade union)
工会经费trade union outlay)
工会权利rights of trade union)
《工会信息》Trade Union Information)
工会义务obligation of trade union)
工会与群众监督(supervision by trade unions and the masses)
工会章程constitution of trade union)
工联主义(trade unionism)
工龄津贴seniority allowance)
《工人日报》Workers Daily)
《工人职员伤亡事故报告规程》Procedures for the Report of Casualty Accidents to Workers and Staff)
工伤保险industrial injury insurance)
《工伤保险法》【德国】Accident Insurance Act)
《工伤保险条例》Regulation on Workrelated Injury Insurances)
工时休假法律制度working hours and vacation legal system)
《工业)每周休息公约(第14号公约)》Convention concerning the Application of the Weekly Rest in Industrial Undertakings)
《工业)最低年龄公约一九三七年修正)(第59号公约)》Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for Admission of Children to Industrial Employment Revised 1937)
工业产权(industrial property)
工业品外观设计(industrial designs)
《工业品外观设计国际保存海牙协定》(Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs)
《工业企业厂界噪声标准》(Standard of Noise at Boundary of Industrial Enterprises)
《工运研究》Labor Movement Study)
工资保障wage security)
工资法wages law)
工资立法wages legislation)
工资形式forms of wages)
工资总额total sum of wages)
工作时间(working hours)
《工作时间法》【德国】Working Hours Act)
公法私法化increased role of private law in public law)
公费医疗public medical care)
公共福利(public welfare)
公共干预与公众参与原则(principles of general intervention and public participation)
《公共机构节能条例》Energy Conservation Regulation for Statefunded Institutions)
公共借阅权(public lending right)
公共信托论(public trust theory)
公共住房(public housing)
公积金贷款(loan of the dwelling house accumulation fund)
《公民与教徒》Citizen vs Follower of Religion)
公平兼顾效率原则the principle of balancing efficiency and equity)
《公平劳动基准法》【美国】Fair Labor Standards Act)
公休假日(public holiday)
《公益时报》China Philanthropy Times)
公益诉讼(public interest litigation)
公益政治(public interest politics)
公有技术(public art)
公有领域(public domain)
公寓住宅apartment housing)
公众科学素养(public scientific literacy)
功能性三维标志(functional threedimension trademark)
共同发明人或设计人(joint inventor or designer)
《共同体专利公约》Community Patent Convention
共有商标(mutual trademark)
孤儿、弃儿福利(welfare of orphans foundlings)
固定转售价格(fixed resale price)
固体废物(solid waste)
固体废物管理(solid waste management)
固体废物污染(solid wastes pollution)
《固体废物污染环境防治法》(The Law of The Prevention and Control of Solid Wastes Pollution)
固有显著性(immanent notability)
《雇佣保险法》【日本】Employment Promotion Act)
雇主责任本位employers liability based)
《雇主责任法》【英国】Employers Liability Act)
关键设施原则(essential facility doctrine, EFD)
关系性契约(relational contract)
《关于保护驰名商标规定的联合建议》(The Joint Proposals for Provisions on the Protection of Wellknown Marks)
《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》(the World Programme of Action Concerning the Handicappeds)
《关于持久有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》Stockholm Convention on Certain Persistent Organic Pollutants, POPs)
《关于充分发挥高等学校科技创新作用的若干意见》Several Opinions Concerning Bringing into Full Play the Role of Scientific and Technological Innovation of the Colleges and Universities)
《关于促进科技成果转化的若干规定》Regulations on Promoting the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements)
《关于当前整顿自然科学研究机构的若干意见》Several Opinions Concerning Rectifying the Natural Science Research Institutes Currently)
《关于登记射入外层空间物体的公约》Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space)
《关于废物进口环境保护管理暂行规定的补充规定》Supplementary Provisions to the Interim Provisions for the Management of Environmental Protection regarding the Import of Waste Materials
《关于各国探索和利用包括月球和其他天体在内外层空间活动的原则条约》Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies, Outer Space Treaty,OST
《关于各国在月球及其他天体上活动的协定》Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies,Moon Agreement)
《关于国际贸易中某些危险化学品和农药的事先知情同意程序的公约》Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade)
《关于核损害民事责任的维也纳公约》Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage)
《关于环境保护的南极条约议定书》Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty)
《关于加强科技人员流动中技术秘密管理的若干意见》Notice of Strengthening the Management of Technological Knowhow in the Flow of the Scientific and Technical Personnel)
《关于进一步加强高等学校知识产权工作的若干意见》Suggestions for strengthen the intellectual property rights work in Colleges and Universities)
《关于进一步推进国家大学科技园建设与发展的意见》Suggestions for Carring Forward the Construction and Development of National University Science Park)
《关于禁止和防止非法进出口文化财产和非法转让其所有权的方法的公约》Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property)
《关于禁止和立即行动消除最恶劣形式的童工劳动公约第182号公约》Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour)
《关于科技人员业余兼职若干问题的意见》Opinions on Some Issues Concerning the Parttime Job Undertaking by the Scientific and Technical Personnel)
《关于克隆人的宣言》United Nations Declaration on Human Cloning)
《关于扩大科学技术研究机构自主权的暂行规定》Interim Provisions Concerning Expanding the Autonomy of Science and Technology Research Institutes)
《关于森林的原则声明》Nonlegally Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on the Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development of all Types of Forests, Forest Principles)
《关于深化科研机构管理体制改革的实施意见》Opinions Concerning Implementing Deepening Reform of the Management System of Science and Research Institutes)
《关于深化科研事业单位人事制度改革的实施意见》Opinions Concerning Implementing Deepening Reform of the Personnel System of the Scientifice and Research Public Institutions)
《关于审理技术合同纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》Interpretation of the Supreme Peoples Court Concerning Some Issues on Application of Law for the Trial of Cases on Disputes over Technology Contracts)
《关于实行专业技术职务聘任制度的规定》Administrative Provisions Concerning the Implementation of the Appointment System on Professional and Technical Positions)
《关于特别作为水禽生境的国际重要湿地公约》Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat, Ramsar treaty)
《关于危险活动造成的跨界损害案件中损失分配的原则草案案文》Draft Principle of Allocation of Loss in the Case of Transboundary Harm Arising out of Hazardous Activities in 2006)
关于威胁或者使用核武器合法性的咨询意见(Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use Nuclear Weapons)
《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔协议书》Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer)
《关于养护南极海洋生物资源公约》Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources,CCAMLR)
《关于预防危险活动的越境损害的条款草案案文》Draft Articles on Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities in 2001)
《关于援救航天员、送回航天员及送回射入外空之物体之协定》Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space)
官产学研三螺旋结构(triple helix of academyindustrygovernment relations)
光化学烟雾(photochemical smog)
光污染(light pollution)
广播电视组织者(organizer of broadcasting and television)
广播电视组织者权(right of organizer of broadcasting and television)
广播权(right of broadcasting)
规避技术措施(circumvent technology protection measures)
规避设备(circumvent device)
规避行为(circumvent action)
国防科学技术工业委员会(The Committee of Science Technology and Industry of National Defense)
国防知识产权(national defence intellectual property)
国防专利(national defense patent)
《国防专利条例》(Regulation on National Defense Patent)
国际保护工业产权协会(International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
国际标准化(international standardization)
国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standard, ISO)
《国际捕鲸管制公约》International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling,ICRW)
《国际承认用于专利程序的微生物保存布达佩斯条约》Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of Deposit of Microorganization for the Purposes of Patent Procedure
国际初步审查(international preliminary examination)
国际初步审查报告(international preliminary examination report
国际初步审查单位(international examining authority)
《国际船舶吨位丈量公约》International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships)
国际法不加禁止行为所致有害后果之国际责任条文草案案文(Draft Principles of International Liability for Injurious Consequences Arising out of Acts not Prohibited by International Law)
《国际法制计量组织公约》Convention of International Organization of Legal Metrology)
《国际防止船舶污染公约》International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto, MARPOL 7378)
国际工会联合会International Trade Union Confederation, ITUC)
国际雇主组织(International Organisation of Employers,IOE)
《国际海上运输危险和有毒物质损害责任和赔偿公约》International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, HNS)
国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization,IMO)
国际互联网名址分配公司Internet Corporation Assigned Names and Numbers
国际环境保护(international environmental protection)
国际环境法(international environmental law)
国际环境法的基本原则(general principles of international environmental law)
国际环境法的渊源(sources of international environmental law)
国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund,IMF)
国际基本卫生保健会议International Primary Health Care Conference)
国际计量组织(International Measurement Organization)
《国际技术转让行动守则(草案)》UN Draft International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology)
国际检索(international search)
国际检索报告(international search report
国际检索单位(international searching authority)
国际科技合作international science and technology cooperation
国际科技立法(International Science and Technology Legislation)
国际劳动关系学会(International Industrial Relations Association,IIRA)
国际劳动和社会保障法学会(International Society for Labour and Social Security Law,ISLSSL)
国际劳动立法international labor legislation)
国际劳工与信息研究所Institute of International Labor and Information)
国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization,ILO)
《国际鸟类保护公约》International Convention for the Protection of Birds)
国际贫困标准法(method of international poverty standard)
国际穷竭(international exhaustion)
《国际热带木材协定》International Tropical Timber Agreement,ITTA)
国际人权公约international human rights conventions)
国际社会保障协会(International Social Security Association,ISSA)
国际社会福利协会(International Council on Social Welfare,ICSW)
国际社会工作者协会(International Federation of Social Workers,IFSW)
国际申请的国际公布(international publication of PCTapplication
国际申请日(PCTapplication date)
《国际水道非航行使用法公约》Convention on the Law of the NonNavigational Uses of International Watercourse)
《国际遗传工程与生物技术中心章程》The Statutes of International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology)
《国际油污防备、应急和合作公约》International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation, OPRC
《国际油污损害民事责任公约》International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damages, CLC)
国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA)
《国际原子能机构规约》Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency)
国际援助(international support)
《国际专利分类斯特拉斯堡协定》Strasbourg Agreement Establishing International Patent Classification
国际自由工会联合会(International Confederation of Free Ttade Unions,ICFTU)
国家安全生产监督管理总局职业安全卫生研究所Institute of Occupational Safety and Heal of State Administration of Work Safety)
国家保险state insurance)
《国家保险法令》【德国】(Ordinance on National Insurance)
国家保障型社会保障制度social security system of state security model)
国家标准(national standard)
国家标准化(national standardization)
国家产业技术政策(state industrial technology policies)
国家创新体系(state innovation system)
国家技术标准体系(national technical standards system)
国家技术发明奖(National Technology Invention Award)
《国家竞争力技术转让法》National Competitiveness Technology Transfer Act, 1989)
国家科技基础条件平台建设(national science and technology infrastructure construction)
《国家科技计划管理暂行规定》Provisional Rules on the Management of State Science and Technology Plans)



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