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四月出版:大陸書 台灣書
三月出版:大陸書 台灣書

『簡體書』从美国到中国:我的快乐生活 MOVE TO CHINA

書城自編碼: 2205090
作者: [美]大洋 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787119050874
出版社: 外文出版社
出版日期: 2007-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 215/
釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 177.0



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2006年,一个年轻的美国小伙子到达中国,他不知道任何有关中国的语言和那里的民俗习惯。他也没有一点钱,没有一个朋友。但是却在很短的时间里,他找到了工作,建立了一个良好的关系网。同时,在这期间他没有上个任何辅导班或者请个任何一个导游,更重要的是,现在他已经在中国生活的很幸福、快乐。 事情的背后有着怎么样的故事呢?让本书的作者来告诉你!
In this book,David A.Williams goes into detail about his happy life in China.He tells every foreigner,especially his fellow Americans,to take the leap to China.Whether it is to find more job opportunities,a good wife or husband,lots of friends,a fast,developing economy,a low cost,safer standard of living,or just more adventure,China iS the place.He tells foreigners how to quickly integrate with the Chinese,how to become an“old China hand”and what it can mean for the successful career and social life of new foreigners living in China.He explains how he leamed Chinese on his own in nine months,and how that propelled his success in winning over the Chinese people and finding many jobs.
Part Ⅰ My Dream of Going to China
 Seven years of frustration
 Then I found out about China
Part Ⅱ This IS China
 Arriving in Beijing
 “Only in China!”…Jobs
 China—A land of freedom
 China is safer
 Chinese people are more respectful
 I love Chinese food
 So many Chinese holidays
 Beautiful,kind,caring Chinese women
 Wonderful,caring friends
 Low cost ofliving
 A mixture of old and new
 Everything in China is BIG
 Touring China
Part Ⅲ Become a China Hand
 When in Rome,do as the Romans do
 Get very familiar with places
 Live in all area with mostly Chinese
 What tO say and do and what not to say and do
 Learn Chinese custOms
 Quickly make lots of friends
Part Ⅳ Rely on Yourself to Learn Chinese
 I became fluent in nine months
 Always speak Chinese
 Everyday,meet new friends—“mini-teachers”
 Always have a Chinese speaking roommate
 Never leave home without your Chinese dictionary and notebook
 Learn hanziChinese characterson your own
 Make it a discipline
 Preparing to move to China



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