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『簡體書』您好 焦裕禄 纪念焦裕禄同志逝世60周年(英文版)

書城自編碼: 4055518
作者: 河南焦裕禄干部学院
國際書號(ISBN): 9787511748249
出版社: 中央编译出版社
出版日期: 2024-10-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 97.9



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《您好 焦裕禄:纪念焦裕禄同志逝世60周年》(英文版)以河南焦裕禄干部学院的红色沉浸式课程《您好 焦裕禄》为脚本,力图把焦裕禄精神深厚的思想精髓转化为鲜活的表现形态,英文版的出版发行将为国外读者了解焦裕禄精神提供更详实的信息。
本书遵循中共中央组织部创新党性教育教学形式,以河南焦裕禄干部学院的红色沉浸式课程《您好 焦裕禄》为脚本,力图把焦裕禄精神深厚的思想精髓转化为鲜活的表现形态,引导广大党员干部把焦裕禄精神转化为坚定信仰、锤炼党性、指导实践和推动工作的强大精神力量,激励广大党员干部像焦裕禄那样对待组织、对待人民、对待事业,以“忠诚干净担当”“为民务实清廉”为己任,奋力谱写新时代现代化建设新篇章。

Chapter One The Everlasting Monument 001
Section One The Blossoming of the Paulownia Flowers 003
Section Two Profound and Singular Admiration 010
Section Three Lasting Vigor and Vitality 015
I. The Jiao Yulu Spirit and the Six Fundamental Principles 015
II. Promoting the Jiao Yulu Spirit and Grasping the
Scientific Essence of the “Three Imperatives” 020
III. Promoting the Jiao Yulu Spirit and Embracing the Significance of the “Two Integrations” 022
IV. Upholding the Jiao Yulu Spirit: Empowering the Grand
Practice of Chinese Modernization 025
Chapter Two Timeless Spirit 031
Section One There Dwelled in His Heart the Entire
Populace, with No Space Reserved for Himself Alone 033
I. Ever-Mindful of the People 033
II. Relying on the People 038
III. Everything for the People 042
Section Two Daring to Change the World 047
I. Self-Reliance and Hard Work 048
II. Diligence, Thrift, and the Rejection of Extravagance 052
III. Fearlessly Face Challenges, Courageously Struggle 055
Section Three Partaking of Another’s Morsels Breeds Blandness 058
I. Immersion in the Frontlines in Pursuit of Truth 059
II. To Achieve Pragmatism, One Must Find a Method 062
III. Achieving Efficacy through Comprehensive Research 067
Section Four Revolutionaries Must Be Heroes in the Face
of Difficulties 071
I. Pioneering Spirit 071
II. Embracing Responsibility 074
III. Excellence in Deed and Excellent Results 077
Section Five No Special Treatment at All Times 082
I. Putting Public Interest First, Not Seeking Private Gain 083
II. Strictness, the Key to Preventing Laxity 087
III. Integrity, the Cornerstone for Maintaining Political Integrity 091
Chapter Three The Call across Time and Space 095
Section One The Jiao Yulu Spirit and the Transformation
of Lankao 097
I. Centuries of Suffering 098
II. The Resounding Question of Lankao 103
III. The Transformation of Lankao in the New Era 108
Section Two The Jiao Yulu Spirit Guides Henan 132
I. Fortify and Enrich with the Jiao Yulu Spirit 132
II. Guiding County-Level Economic High-Quality
Development with the Jiao Yulu Spirit 146
III. Forging a Great Culture in Henan Province with the
Jiao Yulu Spirit 156
Section Three The Jiao Yulu Spirit Over China 165
I. The Jiao Yulu Spirit Is a Powerful Intellectual Force 165
II. Learning and Propagating the Jiao Yulu Spirit Nationwide...175
III. The Jiao Yulu Spirit: Positive Energy for Advancing
Chinese Modernization 187
Section Four The Global Reverberations of the Jiao Yulu
Spirit 196
I. The Jiao Yulu Spirit as a Paragon for Statesmen and
Leaders Abroad to Emulate 196
II. Jiao Yulu’s Poverty Alleviation Practice in Lankao
Provides Insights for Poverty Reduction in Other Nations ...201
III. Upholding the Jiao Yulu Spirit to Propel the Building of
a Human Community with a Shared Future 204
Chapter Four The Soul-Stirring Inquiry 207
Section One Implementing New Requirements 209
I. Ushering Reforms and Creativity into Official Education
in the New Era 209
II. Exploring New Frontiers in Immersive Courses 213
Section Two “Hello, Jiao Yulu” 218
I. Act One: Joining the Party in the Hometown 223
II. Act Two: Annihilating Bandits in Weishi 227
III. Act Three: Contributing to the Luoyang Mining
Machinery Plant 233
IV. . Act Four: Ties to Lankao 243
V. Act Five: A Dialogue across Time and Space 268
Section Three Innovative Teaching Methods 276
I. Pre-Class Integration 276
II. Class Performance 278
III. Structured Immersion 279
Section Four Immersive Education 281
I. Role Immersion Deepens Interactive Experience 282
II. Vividly Reviving and Retelling the Communist Classics 284
III. Fortifying the Soul through Party Spirit 285
IV. Promoting Insight through Concentrated Discussions 286
Section Five Course Impact 288
Epilogue 290



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