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11月出版:大陸書 台灣書


書城自編碼: 3796682
作者: 本书编写组
國際書號(ISBN): 9787521335958
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
出版日期: 2022-08-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 80.5



** 我創建的書架 **


Guidelines for an Educational Powerhouse in the New Era
1. The Background of Xi Jinping’s Educational Philosophy
2. The Content of Xi Jinping’s Educational Philosophy
3. The Significance of Xi Jinping’s Educational Philosophy
Chapter 1 Overall CPC Leadership in Education
1. Overall Party Leadership for Educational Success
2. Moral and Political Education: the Lifeline of All School Work
3. Strengthening Party Leadership in the Education System
Chapter 2 Cultivation of New Generations of Talent with Strong Moral Character
1. Education for Building Strong Moral Character
2. Incorporating Core Socialist Values into the National Education System
3. Nurturing New Generations of Socialist Builders with Well-Rounded Development
Chapter 3 Education: a Priority for the Party and the State
1. The Decisive Role of Education in the Present and the Future of Humanity
2. Education as a Major Undertaking of the State and the Party
3. Giving Strategic Priority to Education
Chapter 4 Socialist Characteristics of China’s Education System
1. Adhering to Socialist Education
2. Following the Guidance of Marxism
3. Commitment to the Four Purposes of Education
Chapter 5 China’s Own Path of Education
1. Aligning Education with the Reality of China
2. Following the Path of Socialist Education with Chinese Characteristics
3. Establishing a Modern Education System with Chinese Characteristics and Up to International Standard
Chapter 6 Education for the People
1. Staying True to People-Centered Education
2. Equitably Sharing Educational Benefits
3. Social Equity and Justice Through Equal Access to Education
Chapter 7 Invigorating Education Through Reform and Innovation
1. Reform as the Mainspring of Educational Development
2. Deepening Comprehensive Reform in Education
3. Further Opening Up Education to Enhance Its Global Influence
Chapter 8 The Importance of Talent and Education for National Rejuvenation
1. Building an Educational Powerhouse: the Foundation for National Rejuvenation
2. Increasing Educators’ Sense of Mission for National
3. Education for Economic and Social Progress
Chapter 9 High-Caliber Teachers: Hope of the Nation
1. Teachers as the Root of Education and the Source of Its Vitality
2. Striving to Be Teachers Meeting the Expectations of the Party and the People
3. Building a Body of Qualified and Professional Teachers
Compilers’ Postscript
Translators’ Postscript



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