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書城自編碼: 2151906
作者: [西]葛拉西安
國際書號(ISBN): 9787512707733
出版社: 中国妇女出版社
出版日期: 2013-12-01
版次: 1
頁數/字數: 261/252000
書度/開本: 大16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 84.8



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《 中国哲学史(全二册)(布面精装)--三松堂全集 第三版第二卷 》
1. 万物已尽善尽美 003
2. 秉性和智慧 003
3. 勿公开所做之事 003
4. 有识又有胆才能成就伟业 005
5. 让他人依赖你 005
6. 臻善臻美 005
7. 不要比上司更引人瞩目 007
8. 不受情绪摆布 007
9. 避免固有的缺陷 007
10. 财富和名声 009
11. 择师者而交 009
12. 自然和人工,素材与加工 011
13. 有时三思而行,有时当机立断 011
14. 事物本身及做事的方法 013
15. 广纳贤士 013
16. 学识和诚心 013
17. 变换行为模式 015
18. 能力与实干 015
19. 事前勿让人抱过高期望 015
20. 生逢其时者 017
21. 幸运之道 017
22. 要学以致用 019
23. 不留瑕疵 019
24. 控制幻想 019
25. 善察弦外之音 021
26. 抓住对手要害 021
27. 与其博,不如精 021
28. 超凡脱俗 023
29. 刚正不阿 023
30. 不做毁誉之事 025
31. 趋利避害 029
32. 因行善获得声誉 029
33. 学会抽身而出 029
34. 了解自己的特长 031
35. 遇事须仔细权衡斟酌 031
36. 对自己的时运心中有数 031
37. 准备一些讥诮话,并懂得运用 033
38. 学会急流勇退 033
39. 把握并运用事物成熟的时机 035
40. 获得人们的好感 035
41. 不要夸大其词 035
42. 天生为王者 037
43. 思如少数人,讲如多数人 037
44. 英雄惺惺相惜 039
45. 适时运用但不能滥用狡猾 039
46. 控制反感情绪 039
47. 避免“为荣誉而战” 041
48. 成为有深度的人 041
49. 敏锐观察,理智决断 041
50. 任何时候都要自尊 043
51. 选择须有方 043
52. 时刻保持镇静 043
53. 既要勤奋刻苦也要开动脑筋 045
54. 懂得以牙还牙 045
55. 学会等待 047
56. 见机行事 047
57. 深谋远虑 047
58. 自我展现要恰当 049
59. 完美收场 049
60. 判断有方 049
61. 精益求精 053
62. 工欲善其事,必先利其器 053
63. 先下手为强 053
64. 避免烦恼 055
65. 培养品位 055
66. 凡事当善终 057
67. 择业要选能为你赢得殊荣的 057
68. 让人理解你 057
69. 不能冲动行事 059
70. 掌握拒绝的技巧 059
71. 要保持一致 061
72. 要当机立断 061
73. 安然退避 063
74. 学会与人为善 063
75. 选择英雄豪杰为师 063
76. 减少玩笑次数 065
77. 做人须圆通 065
78. 做事讲究艺术 067
79. 轻松愉快的个性 067
80. 谨慎获取信息 067
81. 懂得更新你的辉煌 069
82. 无论好坏事,勿走极端 069
83. 容许自己有可原谅的过错 069
84. 利用对手 071
85. 不做万能牌 071
86. 预防谣言 073
87. 文化和素养 073
88. 举止高贵大方 073
89. 明察自己 075
90. 延寿秘诀 075
91. 对做某事存有疑虑,就先别去做 079
92. 非凡的智慧 079
93. 通才 079
94. 要让你的才能深不可测 081
95. 永葆期望 081
96. 至高无上的判断力 081
97. 赢得并维护名誉 081
98. 掩饰你的意图 083
99. 本质与表象 083
100. 做一个理智的人、智慧的信徒、贤能的大臣 083
101. 世界上一半的人嘲笑另一半的人,其实所有人 085

都是傻瓜 085
102. 天降大福当大度受之 085
103. 让每个人都有尊严 087
104. 明察每项工作的要求 087
105. 勿惹人厌烦 087
106. 不要炫耀你的地位 089
107. 勿自满自得 089
108. 与人同行是成为伟人的捷径 091
109. 不要鸡蛋里面挑骨头 091
110. 不要坐以待毙 093
111. 要有朋友 093
112. 博取他人的好感与善意 093
113. 学会未雨绸缪 095
114. 不要与人相争 095
115. 习惯熟人的缺点 097
116. 只和有原则的人打交道 097
117. 不可谈论自己 097
118. 要赢得讲礼貌的美名 099
119. 不要招人厌烦 099
120. 生活要实际 099
121. 勿小题大做 105
122. 言行宜有威信 105
123. 避免装腔作势 105
124. 做众望所归之人 107
125. 不要做记录污点的本子 107
126. 做了蠢事不可怕,要懂得掩饰 109
127. 万事从容 109
128. 高瞻远瞩 109
129. 永不抱怨 111
130. 实干并适时表现 111
131. 要有胸襟气度 111
132. 修正判断 113
133. 不可众人皆醉我独醒 113
134. 加倍储存你的资源 115
135. 不要总唱反调 115
136. 抓住事情的要点 115
137. 圣人自足 117
138. 学会顺其自然 117
139. 正确面对霉运 119
140. 凡事取其精华 119
141. 不要只听自己的 121
142. 当你的对手先选择了正确的一面,你不能固执 121

地站在错误的一面 121
143. 别为免俗而玩弄诡辩之术 123
144. 始于他人,终于自己 123
145. 掩藏好你受伤的手指 123
146. 透过现象看本质 125
147. 懂得采纳他人的建议 125
148. 谈话须讲究艺术 127
149. 诿过于人 127
150. 推销得法 127
151. 要考虑长远 133
152. 不与令自己失色之人为伍 133
153. 不去填补前人留下的空缺 135
154. 不轻易相信或喜欢 135
155. 掌控激情 135
156. 正确择友 137
157. 谨慎识人 137
158. 善用朋友 139
159. 懂得忍受愚蠢 139
160. 慎言 141
161. 认清自己难以割舍的缺点 141
162. 战胜忌妒与恶意 141
163. 不要因为同情陷入他人的不幸 143
164. 学会投石问路 143
165. 战而有道 145
166. 分辨善言者与善行者 145
167. 知道怎样自立 145
168. 不要沦为愚蠢之怪 147
169. 避免万一失手,胜过百发百中 147
170. 凡事有所保留 149
171. 不宜滥用他人欠你的情义 149
172. 绝不和一无所有者相争 149
173. 与人交往,不要像玻璃般易碎,友谊亦如此 151
174. 人生莫匆匆 151
175. 做实在的人 153
176. 要自知或从知者处知 153
177. 不要与人太亲近 155
178. 信赖你的内心 155
179. 缄默是天才的标志 155
180. 不要被敌人的行为误导 157
181. 莫要说谎,但也不宜说出所有真话 161
182. 凡事都要勇敢 161
183. 不要固执 161
184. 不要太拘礼 163
185. 不要孤注一掷赌名声 163
186. 不论地位多高,都要知道不足常有 165
187. 令人感到愉快的事情,可大胆为之;令人感到 165

不快的事情,需找他人代劳 165
188. 学会赞美 165
189. 利用他人之欲 167
190. 在一切事物中寻找慰藉 167
191. 慎防客套的恭维话 169
192. 平和之人长命百岁 169
193. 提防那些利用他人牟取自身利益的人 169
194. 理性看待自己和自己的事 171
195. 学会如何欣赏他人 171
196. 知道你的幸运之星 171
197. 不要受傻瓜拖累 173
198. 懂得怎样易地而处 173
199. 欲受人尊重,须凭德行 175
200. 某些愿望要放到日后来满足 175
201. 看起来愚蠢的人多是蠢人,看起来聪明的人有 177

一半是蠢人 177
202. 语言和行为打造完美的人 177
203. 认识与你同时代的伟人 177
204. 举轻若重,又要举重若轻 179
205. 学会藐视的技巧 179
206. 须知平庸者无处不在 181
207. 学会自控 181
208. 不要死于愚蠢 181
209. 超然于普遍的愚蠢 183
210. 懂得如何对待真相 183

211. 天堂里一切是福,地狱里万般皆苦 187
212. 保留绝招 187
213. 反驳有方 187
214. 犯错勿形成恶性循环 189
215. 提防图谋不轨者 189
216. 清楚地表达自己 191
217. 爱与恨都不要一成不变 191
218. 行动切勿固执,须经深思熟虑 191
219. 不要被看作伪君子 193
220. 披不了狮皮,就披狐皮 193
221. 不要动辄使自己和他人陷入尴尬 195
222. 谨慎的迟疑 195
223. 别因装模作样或粗心而显得古怪 195
224. 不看事物的反面,不管事情怎样出现 197
225. 了解你最大的缺点 197
226. 获取人们的好感 197
227. 不要受限于第一印象 199
228. 不要散布丑闻 199
229. 合理规划你的生活 201
230. 睁眼要及早 201
231. 不要把未成之事给别人看 201
232. 稍稍接触实务 203
233. 不要提供不合口味的食物,否则,别人会感到 203

难受,而不是快乐 203
234. 不要将名誉托付给别人,除非他以名誉作抵押 205
235. 求人有方 205
236. 如果以后需要报答别人,不如先施惠于人 207
237. 不与比你强大的人分享秘密 207
238. 知道自己缺少的是什么 209
239. 不要打破砂锅问到底 209
240. 要适时装傻 209
241. 允许别人嘲笑,但是不要嘲笑别人 213
242. 有始有终 213
243. 不要过于善良 213
244. 让他人欠你的人情债 215
245. 有独到的见解能证明你才识过人 215
246. 不要给那些没有要求你解释的人解释 217
247. 求知宜多一点儿,生活宜省一点儿 217
248. 不要热衷于最新消息 217
249. 人生不要本末倒置 219
250. 何时应该反向推理 219
251. 要善于用人道,就当神道不存在;运用神道时, 219

就当人道不存在 219
252. 别完全为自己而活,也别完全为他人而活 219
253. 不要解释太多 221
254. 不要忽视小恶 221
255. 行善可以一次一点儿,但要经常 223
256. 有备方无患 223
257. 勿轻易断交 225
258. 找人帮着分担不幸 225
259. 预见侮辱,并将其转化为有利条件 227
260. 你不能完全属于别人,也没有任何人完全属于你 227
261. 不要执迷不悟 227
262. 懂得忘记 229
263. 不应一味地希望占有好东西 229
264. 任何时候都不能大意 229
265. 让部下遭遇困境 231
266. 行善过犹不及 231
267. 温软的话语,优雅的举止 231
268. 蠢人最后做的事,聪明人先做 233
269. 利用你给人的新鲜感 233
270. 不要独自谴责流行时尚 235
271. 如果你知之不多,就走最安全的路线 239
272. 出售东西要注意礼节 239
273. 了解你所交往的人的性格 239
274. 要有迷人的风度 241
275. 随波逐流,但应得体 241
276. 知道如何完善你的品性 243
277. 展示自己 243
278. 不要故意抢眼 245
279. 不要答复驳斥你的人 245
280. 成为值得信赖的人 245
281. 赢得智者的喜爱 247
282. 以不露面来赢得敬重 247
283. 拥有善于发现的天赋 249
284. 不多管闲事 249
285. 勿自毁于别人的厄运 249
286. 不要对所有人都负责 251
287. 冲动之时绝不行动 251
288. 顺应时势 251
289. 要贬低一个人,莫过于表明他与常人无异 253
290. 赢得人们的喜爱和尊敬是莫大的荣幸 253
291. 懂得测度他人 253
292. 让你的素质优于你的工作要求 255
293. 做人应成熟 255
294. 表达观点要适度 255
295. 奏效前不邀功 257
296. 高贵的禀赋 257
297. 一言一行,都要想到有人在监视着你 257
298. 可造就伟人的三大要素 259
299. 让人常有饥饿感 259
300. 一句话,做一位圣徒 261
1. Everything is at its acme 002
2. Character and intellect 002
3. Keep matters for a time in suspense 002
4. Knowledge and courage 004
5. Create a feeling of dependence 004
6. A man at his highest point 004
7. Avoid victories over superiors 006
8. To be without passions 006
9. Avoid the faults of your nation 006
10. Fortune and fame 008
11. Cultivate those who can teach you 008
12. Nature and art:material and workmanship 010
13. Act sometimes on second thoughts, sometimes on first impulse
14. The thing itself and the way it is done 012
15. Keep ministering spirits 012
16. Knowledge and good intentions 012
17. Vary the mode of action 014
18. Application and ability 014
19. Arouse no exaggerated expectations on entering 014
20. A man of the age 016
21. The art of being lucky 016
22. A man of knowledge to the point 018
23. Be spotless 018
24. Keep the imagination under control 018
25. Know how to take a hint 020
26. Find out each man’s thumbscrew 020
27. Prize intensity more than extent 020
28. Common in nothing 022
29. A man of rectitude 022
30. Have naught to do with occupations of ill-repute 024
31. Select the lucky and avoid the unlucky 028
32. Have the reputation of being gracious 028
33. Know how to withdraw 028
34. Know your strongest point 030
35. Think over things, most over the most important 030
36. In acting or refraining, weigh your luck 030
37. Keep a store of sarcasms,and know how to use them 032
38. Leave your luck while winning 032
39. Recognize when things are ripe, and then enjoy them 034
40. Gain the goodwill of people 034
41. Never exaggerate 034
42. Born to command 036
43. Think with the few and speak with the many 036
44. Sympathy with great minds 038
45. Use , but do not abuse,cunning 038
46. Master your antipathies 038
47. Avoid “affairs of honour” 040
48. So much depends on being a person of depth 040
49. Observation and judgment 040
50. Never lose self-respect 042
51. Know how to choose well 042
52. Never be put out 042
53. Be diligent and intelligent 044
54. Know how to show your teeth 044
55. Wait 046
56. Have presence of mind 046
57. Be slow and sure 046
58. Adapt yourself to your company 048
59. Finish off well 048
60. A sound judgment 048
61. To excel in what is excellent 052
62. Use good instruments 052
63. To be the first of the kind is an excellence 052
64. Avoid worry 054
65. Elevated taste 054
66. See that things end well 056
67. Choose an occupation that wins distinction 056
68. It is better to help with intelligence than with memory
69. Do not give way to every common impulse 058
70. Know how to refuse 058
71. Do not vacillate 060
72. Be resolute 060
73. Utilize slips 062
74. Do not be unsociable 062
75. Choose a heroic ideal 062
76. Do not always be jesting 064
77. Be all things to all men 064
78. The art of undertaking things 066
79. A genial disposition 066
80. Take care to get information 066
81. Renew your brilliance 068
82. Drain nothing to the dregs,neither good nor ill 068
83. Allow yourself some venial fault 068
84. Make use of your enemies 070
85. Do not be a wild card 070
86. Prevent scandal 072
87. Culture and elegance 072
88. Let your behaviour be fine and noble 072
89. Know yourself 074
90.The secret of long life 074
91. Never set to work at anything if you have any doubts of its
prudence 078
92. Transcendent wisdom 078
93. Versatility 078
94. Keep the extent of your abilities unknown 080
95. Keep expectation alive 080
96. The highest discretion 080
97. Obtain and preserve a reputation 080
98. Write your intentions in cypher 082
99. Reality and appearance 082
100. Be a man without illusions, a wise christian, a philosophic
courtier 082
101. One half of the world laughs at the other, and fools are they
all 084
102. Be able to stomach big slices of luck 084
103. Let each keep up his dignity 086
104. Know the demands of different occupations 086
105. Don’t be a bore 086
106. Do not parade your position 088
107. Show no self-satisfaction 088
108. The path to greatness is along with others 090
109. Be not censorious 090
110. Do not wait till you are a sinking sun 092
111. Have friends 092
112. Gain good-will 092
113. In prosperity prepare for adversity 094
114. Never compete 094
115. Get used to the failings of your familiars 096
116. Only act with honourable men 096
117. Never talk about yourself 096
118. Acquire the reputation of courtesy 098
119. Avoid becoming disliked 098
120. Live practically 098
121. Do not make a business of what is no business 104
122. Distinction in speech and action 104
123. Avoid affectation 104
124. Get yourself missed 106
125. Do not be a black list 106
126. Folly consists not in committing folly, but in not hiding it
when committed 108
127. Grace in everything 108
128. Highmindedness 108
129. Never complain 110
130. Do and be seen doing 110
131. Nobility of feeling 110
132. Revise your judgments 112
133. Better mad with the rest of the world than wise alone
134. Double your resources 114
135. Do not nourish the spirit of contradiction 114
136. Post yourself in the centre of things 114
137. The sage should be self-sufficing 116
138. The art of letting things alone 116
139. Recognize unlucky days 118
140. Find the good in a thing at once 118
141. Do not listen to yourself 120
142. Never from obstinacy take the wrong side because your opponent
has anticipated you in taking the right one 120
143. Never become paradoxical in order to avoid the trite 122
144. Begin with another’s to end with your own 122
145. Do not show your wounded finger 122
146. Look into the interior of things 124
147. Do not be inaccessible 124
148. Have the art of conversation 126
149. Know how to put off ills on others 126
150. Know how to get your price for things 126
151. Think beforehand 132
152. Never have a companion who casts you in the shade 132
153. Beware of entering where there is a great gap to be filled
154. Do not believe, or 1ike, lightly 134
155. The art of mastering your passions 134
156. Select your friends 136
157. Do not make mistakes about character 136
158. Make use of your friends 138
159. Put up with fools 138
160. Be careful in speaking 140
161. Know your pet faults 140
162. How to triumph over rivals and detractors 140
163. Never, from sympathy with the unfortunate, involve yourself in
his fate 142
164. Throw straws in the air 142
165. Wage war honourably 144
166. Distinguish the man of words from the man of deeds 144
167. Know how to take your own part 144
168. Do not indulge in the eccentricities of folly 146
169. Be more careful not to miss once than to hit a hundred times
170. In all things keep something in reserve 148
171. Do not waste influence 148
172. Never contend with a man who has nothing to lose 148
173. Do not be glass in intercourse, still less in friendship
174. Do not live in a hurry 150
175. A solid man 152
176. Have knowledge, or know those that have knowledge 152
177. Avoid familiarities in intercourse 154
178. Trust your heart 154
179. Reticence is the seal of capacity 154
180. Never be guided by what your enemy has done 156
181. The truth, but not the whole truth 160
182. A grain of boldness in everything 160
183. Do not hold your views too firmly 160
184. Do not be ceremonious 162
185. Never stake your credit on a single cast 162
186. Recognize faults, however high placed 164
187. Do pleasant things yourself, unpleasant things through others
188. Be the bearer of praise 164
189. Utilize another’s wants 166
190. Find consolation in all things 166
191. Do not take payment in politeness 168
192. Peaceful life, a long life 168
193. Watch him that begins with another’s to end with his own
194. Have reasonable views of yourself and of your affairs
195. Know how to appreciate 170
196. Know your ruling star 170
197. Do not carry fools on your back 172
198. Know how to transplant yourself 172
199. To find a proper place by merit, not by presumption 174
200. Leave something to wish for 174
201. They are all fools who seem so besides half the rest 176
202. Words and deeds make the perfect man 176
203. Know the great men of your age 176
204. Attempt easy tasks as if they were difficult, and difficult as
if they were easy 178
205. Know how to play the card of contempt 178
206. Know that there are vulgar people everywhere 180
207. Be moderate 180
208. Do not die of the fools’ disease 180
209. Keep yourself free from common follies 182
210. Know how to play the card of truth 182
211. In heaven all is bliss; in hell all misery 186
212. Keep to yourself the final touches of your art 186
213. Know how to contradict 186
214. Do not turn one blunder into two 188
215. Watch him that acts on second thoughts 188
216. Be expressive 190
217. Neither love nor hate forever 190
218. Never act from obstinacy but from knowledge 190
219. Do not pass for a hypocrite 192
220. If you cannot clothe yourself in lionskin use foxpelt
221. Do not seize occasions to embarrass yourself or others
222. Reserve is proof of prudence 194
223. Be not eccentric, neither from affectation nor carelessness
224. Never take things against the grain, no matter how they come
225. Know your chief fault 196
226. Take care to be obliging 196
227. Do not be the slave of first impressions 198
228. Do not be a scandal-monger 198
229. Plan out your life wisely 200
230. Open your eyes betimes 200
231. Never let things be seen half-finished 200
232. Have a touch of business sense 202
233. Let not the proffered morsel be distasteful; otherwise it
gives more discomfort than pleasure 202
234. Never trust your honour to another, unless you have his in
pledge 204
235. Know how to ask 204
236. Make an obligation beforehand of what would have to be a
reward afterwards 206
237. Never share the secrets of your superiors 206
238. Know what is wanting in yourself 208
239. Do not be captious 208
240. Make use of folly 208
241. Put up with raillery, but do not practise it 212
242. Push advantages 212
243. Do not be too much of a dove 212
244. Create a feeling of obligation 214
245. Original and out-of-the-way views are signs of superior
ability 214
246. Never offer satisfaction unless it is demanded 216
247. Know a little more, live a little less 216
248. Do not go with the last speaker 216
249. Never begin life with what should end it 218
250. When to change the conversation 218
251. Use human means as if there were no divine ones, and divine as
if there were no human ones 218
252. Neither belong entirely to yourself nor entirely to others
253. Do not explain overmuch 220
254. Never despise an evil, however small 220
255. Do good a little at a time,but often 222
256. Go armed, always 222
257. Never let matters come to a rupture 224
258. Find out someone to share your troubles 224
259. Anticipate injuries and turn them into favours 226
260. We belong to none and none to us,entirely 226
261. Do not follow up a folly 226
262. Be able to forget 228
263. Many things of taste one should not possess oneself 228
264. Have no careless days 228
265. Set those under you difficult task 230
266. Do not become bad from sheer goodness 230
267. Silken words, sugared manners 230
268. The wise does at once what the fool does at last 232
269. Make use of the novelty of your position 232
270. Do not condemn alone that which pleases all 234
271. In every occupation if you know little stick to the safest
path 238
272. Sell things by the tariff of courtesy 238
273. Comprehend their dispositions with whom you deal 238
274. Be attractive 240
275. Join in the game as far as decency permits 240
276. Know how to renew your character 242
277. Display yourself 242
278. Avoid notoriety in all things 244
279. Do not contradict the contradictor 244
280. Be trustworthy 244
281. Find favour with men of good sense 246
282. Make use of absence to make yourself more esteemed or valued
283. Have the gift of discovery 248
284. Do not be importunate 248
285. Never die of another’s ill-luck 248
286. Do not become responsible for all or for everyone 250
287. Never act in a passion 250
288. Live for the moment 250
289. Nothing depreciates a man more than to show he is a man like
other men 252
290. It is a piece of good fortune to combine men’s love and
respect 252
291. Know how to test people 252
292. Let your personal qualities surpass those of your office
293. Maturity 254
294. Be moderate in your views 254
295. Do not affect what you have not effected 256
296. Noble qualities 256
297. Always act as if your acts were seen 256
298. Three things go to a prodigy 258
299. Leave off hungry 258
300. In one word, be a saint 260
1. 万物已尽善尽美 003
2. 秉性和智慧 003
3. 勿公开所做之事 003
4. 有识又有胆才能成就伟业 005
5. 让他人依赖你 005
6. 臻善臻美 005
7. 不要比上司更引人瞩目 007
8. 不受情绪摆布 007
9. 避免固有的缺陷 007
10. 财富和名声 009
11. 择师者而交 009
12. 自然和人工,素材与加工 011
13. 有时三思而行,有时当机立断 011
14. 事物本身及做事的方法 013
15. 广纳贤士 013
16. 学识和诚心 013
17. 变换行为模式 015
18. 能力与实干 015
19. 事前勿让人抱过高期望 015
20. 生逢其时者 017
21. 幸运之道 017
22. 要学以致用 019
23. 不留瑕疵 019
24. 控制幻想 019
25. 善察弦外之音 021
26. 抓住对手要害 021
27. 与其博,不如精 021
28. 超凡脱俗 023
29. 刚正不阿 023
30. 不做毁誉之事 025
31. 趋利避害 029
32. 因行善获得声誉 029
33. 学会抽身而出 029
34. 了解自己的特长 031
35. 遇事须仔细权衡斟酌 031
36. 对自己的时运心中有数 031
37. 准备一些讥诮话,并懂得运用 033
38. 学会急流勇退 033
39. 把握并运用事物成熟的时机 035
40. 获得人们的好感 035
41. 不要夸大其词 035
42. 天生为王者 037
43. 思如少数人,讲如多数人 037
44. 英雄惺惺相惜 039
45. 适时运用但不能滥用狡猾 039
46. 控制反感情绪 039
47. 避免“为荣誉而战” 041
48. 成为有深度的人 041
49. 敏锐观察,理智决断 041
50. 任何时候都要自尊 043
51. 选择须有方 043
52. 时刻保持镇静 043
53. 既要勤奋刻苦也要开动脑筋 045
54. 懂得以牙还牙 045
55. 学会等待 047
56. 见机行事 047
57. 深谋远虑 047
58. 自我展现要恰当 049
59. 完美收场 049
60. 判断有方 049
61. 精益求精 053
62. 工欲善其事,必先利其器 053
63. 先下手为强 053
64. 避免烦恼 055
65. 培养品位 055
66. 凡事当善终 057
67. 择业要选能为你赢得殊荣的 057
68. 让人理解你 057
69. 不能冲动行事 059
70. 掌握拒绝的技巧 059
71. 要保持一致 061
72. 要当机立断 061
73. 安然退避 063
74. 学会与人为善 063
75. 选择英雄豪杰为师 063
76. 减少玩笑次数 065
77. 做人须圆通 065
78. 做事讲究艺术 067
79. 轻松愉快的个性 067
80. 谨慎获取信息 067
81. 懂得更新你的辉煌 069
82. 无论好坏事,勿走极端 069
83. 容许自己有可原谅的过错 069
84. 利用对手 071
85. 不做万能牌 071
86. 预防谣言 073
87. 文化和素养 073
88. 举止高贵大方 073
89. 明察自己 075
90. 延寿秘诀 075
91. 对做某事存有疑虑,就先别去做 079
92. 非凡的智慧 079
93. 通才 079
94. 要让你的才能深不可测 081
95. 永葆期望 081
96. 至高无上的判断力 081
97. 赢得并维护名誉 081
98. 掩饰你的意图 083
99. 本质与表象 083
100. 做一个理智的人、智慧的信徒、贤能的大臣 083
101. 世界上一半的人嘲笑另一半的人,其实所有人 085

都是傻瓜 085
102. 天降大福当大度受之 085
103. 让每个人都有尊严 087
104. 明察每项工作的要求 087
105. 勿惹人厌烦 087
106. 不要炫耀你的地位 089
107. 勿自满自得 089
108. 与人同行是成为伟人的捷径 091
109. 不要鸡蛋里面挑骨头 091
110. 不要坐以待毙 093
111. 要有朋友 093
112. 博取他人的好感与善意 093
113. 学会未雨绸缪 095
114. 不要与人相争 095
115. 习惯熟人的缺点 097
116. 只和有原则的人打交道 097
117. 不可谈论自己 097
118. 要赢得讲礼貌的美名 099
119. 不要招人厌烦 099
120. 生活要实际 099
121. 勿小题大做 105
122. 言行宜有威信 105
123. 避免装腔作势 105
124. 做众望所归之人 107
125. 不要做记录污点的本子 107
126. 做了蠢事不可怕,要懂得掩饰 109
127. 万事从容 109
128. 高瞻远瞩 109
129. 永不抱怨 111
130. 实干并适时表现 111
131. 要有胸襟气度 111
132. 修正判断 113
133. 不可众人皆醉我独醒 113
134. 加倍储存你的资源 115
135. 不要总唱反调 115
136. 抓住事情的要点 115
137. 圣人自足 117
138. 学会顺其自然 117
139. 正确面对霉运 119
140. 凡事取其精华 119
141. 不要只听自己的 121
142. 当你的对手先选择了正确的一面,你不能固执 121

地站在错误的一面 121
143. 别为免俗而玩弄诡辩之术 123
144. 始于他人,终于自己 123
145. 掩藏好你受伤的手指 123
146. 透过现象看本质 125
147. 懂得采纳他人的建议 125
148. 谈话须讲究艺术 127
149. 诿过于人 127
150. 推销得法 127
151. 要考虑长远 133
152. 不与令自己失色之人为伍 133
153. 不去填补前人留下的空缺 135
154. 不轻易相信或喜欢 135
155. 掌控激情 135
156. 正确择友 137
157. 谨慎识人 137
158. 善用朋友 139
159. 懂得忍受愚蠢 139
160. 慎言 141
161. 认清自己难以割舍的缺点 141
162. 战胜忌妒与恶意 141
163. 不要因为同情陷入他人的不幸 143
164. 学会投石问路 143
165. 战而有道 145
166. 分辨善言者与善行者 145
167. 知道怎样自立 145
168. 不要沦为愚蠢之怪 147
169. 避免万一失手,胜过百发百中 147
170. 凡事有所保留 149
171. 不宜滥用他人欠你的情义 149
172. 绝不和一无所有者相争 149
173. 与人交往,不要像玻璃般易碎,友谊亦如此 151
174. 人生莫匆匆 151
175. 做实在的人 153
176. 要自知或从知者处知 153
177. 不要与人太亲近 155
178. 信赖你的内心 155
179. 缄默是天才的标志 155
180. 不要被敌人的行为误导 157
181. 莫要说谎,但也不宜说出所有真话 161
182. 凡事都要勇敢 161
183. 不要固执 161
184. 不要太拘礼 163
185. 不要孤注一掷赌名声 163
186. 不论地位多高,都要知道不足常有 165
187. 令人感到愉快的事情,可大胆为之;令人感到 165

不快的事情,需找他人代劳 165
188. 学会赞美 165
189. 利用他人之欲 167
190. 在一切事物中寻找慰藉 167
191. 慎防客套的恭维话 169
192. 平和之人长命百岁 169
193. 提防那些利用他人牟取自身利益的人 169
194. 理性看待自己和自己的事 171
195. 学会如何欣赏他人 171
196. 知道你的幸运之星 171
197. 不要受傻瓜拖累 173
198. 懂得怎样易地而处 173
199. 欲受人尊重,须凭德行 175
200. 某些愿望要放到日后来满足 175
201. 看起来愚蠢的人多是蠢人,看起来聪明的人有 177

一半是蠢人 177
202. 语言和行为打造完美的人 177
203. 认识与你同时代的伟人 177
204. 举轻若重,又要举重若轻 179
205. 学会藐视的技巧 179
206. 须知平庸者无处不在 181
207. 学会自控 181
208. 不要死于愚蠢 181
209. 超然于普遍的愚蠢 183
210. 懂得如何对待真相 183

211. 天堂里一切是福,地狱里万般皆苦 187
212. 保留绝招 187
213. 反驳有方 187
214. 犯错勿形成恶性循环 189
215. 提防图谋不轨者 189
216. 清楚地表达自己 191
217. 爱与恨都不要一成不变 191
218. 行动切勿固执,须经深思熟虑 191
219. 不要被看作伪君子 193
220. 披不了狮皮,就披狐皮 193
221. 不要动辄使自己和他人陷入尴尬 195
222. 谨慎的迟疑 195
223. 别因装模作样或粗心而显得古怪 195
224. 不看事物的反面,不管事情怎样出现 197
225. 了解你最大的缺点 197
226. 获取人们的好感 197
227. 不要受限于第一印象 199
228. 不要散布丑闻 199
229. 合理规划你的生活 201
230. 睁眼要及早 201
231. 不要把未成之事给别人看 201
232. 稍稍接触实务 203
233. 不要提供不合口味的食物,否则,别人会感到 203

难受,而不是快乐 203
234. 不要将名誉托付给别人,除非他以名誉作抵押 205
235. 求人有方 205
236. 如果以后需要报答别人,不如先施惠于人 207
237. 不与比你强大的人分享秘密 207
238. 知道自己缺少的是什么 209
239. 不要打破砂锅问到底 209
240. 要适时装傻 209
241. 允许别人嘲笑,但是不要嘲笑别人 213
242. 有始有终 213
243. 不要过于善良 213
244. 让他人欠你的人情债 215
245. 有独到的见解能证明你才识过人 215
246. 不要给那些没有要求你解释的人解释 217
247. 求知宜多一点儿,生活宜省一点儿 217
248. 不要热衷于最新消息 217
249. 人生不要本末倒置 219
250. 何时应该反向推理 219
251. 要善于用人道,就当神道不存在;运用神道时, 219

就当人道不存在 219
252. 别完全为自己而活,也别完全为他人而活 219
253. 不要解释太多 221
254. 不要忽视小恶 221
255. 行善可以一次一点儿,但要经常 223
256. 有备方无患 223
257. 勿轻易断交 225
258. 找人帮着分担不幸 225
259. 预见侮辱,并将其转化为有利条件 227
260. 你不能完全属于别人,也没有任何人完全属于你 227
261. 不要执迷不悟 227
262. 懂得忘记 229
263. 不应一味地希望占有好东西 229
264. 任何时候都不能大意 229
265. 让部下遭遇困境 231
266. 行善过犹不及 231
267. 温软的话语,优雅的举止 231
268. 蠢人最后做的事,聪明人先做 233
269. 利用你给人的新鲜感 233
270. 不要独自谴责流行时尚 235
271. 如果你知之不多,就走最安全的路线 239
272. 出售东西要注意礼节 239
273. 了解你所交往的人的性格 239
274. 要有迷人的风度 241
275. 随波逐流,但应得体 241
276. 知道如何完善你的品性 243
277. 展示自己 243
278. 不要故意抢眼 245
279. 不要答复驳斥你的人 245
280. 成为值得信赖的人 245
281. 赢得智者的喜爱 247
282. 以不露面来赢得敬重 247
283. 拥有善于发现的天赋 249
284. 不多管闲事 249
285. 勿自毁于别人的厄运 249
286. 不要对所有人都负责 251
287. 冲动之时绝不行动 251
288. 顺应时势 251
289. 要贬低一个人,莫过于表明他与常人无异 253
290. 赢得人们的喜爱和尊敬是莫大的荣幸 253
291. 懂得测度他人 253
292. 让你的素质优于你的工作要求 255
293. 做人应成熟 255
294. 表达观点要适度 255
295. 奏效前不邀功 257
296. 高贵的禀赋 257
297. 一言一行,都要想到有人在监视着你 257
298. 可造就伟人的三大要素 259
299. 让人常有饥饿感 259
300. 一句话,做一位圣徒 261
1. Everything is at its acme 002
2. Character and intellect 002
3. Keep matters for a time in suspense 002
4. Knowledge and courage 004
5. Create a feeling of dependence 004
6. A man at his highest point 004
7. Avoid victories over superiors 006
8. To be without passions 006
9. Avoid the faults of your nation 006
10. Fortune and fame 008
11. Cultivate those who can teach you 008
12. Nature and art:material and workmanship 010
13. Act sometimes on second thoughts, sometimes on first impulse
14. The thing itself and the way it is done 012
15. Keep ministering spirits 012
16. Knowledge and good intentions 012
17. Vary the mode of action 014
18. Application and ability 014
19. Arouse no exaggerated expectations on entering 014
20. A man of the age 016
21. The art of being lucky 016
22. A man of knowledge to the point 018
23. Be spotless 018
24. Keep the imagination under control 018
25. Know how to take a hint 020
26. Find out each man’s thumbscrew 020
27. Prize intensity more than extent 020
28. Common in nothing 022
29. A man of rectitude 022
30. Have naught to do with occupations of ill-repute 024
31. Select the lucky and avoid the unlucky 028
32. Have the reputation of being gracious 028
33. Know how to withdraw 028
34. Know your strongest point 030
35. Think over things, most over the most important 030
36. In acting or refraining, weigh your luck 030
37. Keep a store of sarcasms,and know how to use them 032
38. Leave your luck while winning 032
39. Recognize when things are ripe, and then enjoy them 034
40. Gain the goodwill of people 034
41. Never exaggerate 034
42. Born to command 036
43. Think with the few and speak with the many 036
44. Sympathy with great minds 038
45. Use , but do not abuse,cunning 038
46. Master your antipathies 038
47. Avoid “affairs of honour” 040
48. So much depends on being a person of depth 040
49. Observation and judgment 040
50. Never lose self-respect 042
51. Know how to choose well 042
52. Never be put out 042
53. Be diligent and intelligent 044
54. Know how to show your teeth 044
55. Wait 046
56. Have presence of mind 046
57. Be slow and sure 046
58. Adapt yourself to your company 048
59. Finish off well 048
60. A sound judgment 048
61. To excel in what is excellent 052
62. Use good instruments 052
63. To be the first of the kind is an excellence 052
64. Avoid worry 054
65. Elevated taste 054
66. See that things end well 056
67. Choose an occupation that wins distinction 056
68. It is better to help with intelligence than with memory
69. Do not give way to every common impulse 058
70. Know how to refuse 058
71. Do not vacillate 060
72. Be resolute 060
73. Utilize slips 062
74. Do not be unsociable 062
75. Choose a heroic ideal 062
76. Do not always be jesting 064
77. Be all things to all men 064
78. The art of undertaking things 066
79. A genial disposition 066
80. Take care to get information 066
81. Renew your brilliance 068
82. Drain nothing to the dregs,neither good nor ill 068
83. Allow yourself some venial fault 068
84. Make use of your enemies 070
85. Do not be a wild card 070
86. Prevent scandal 072
87. Culture and elegance 072
88. Let your behaviour be fine and noble 072
89. Know yourself 074
90.The secret of long life 074
91. Never set to work at anything if you have any doubts of its
prudence 078
92. Transcendent wisdom 078
93. Versatility 078
94. Keep the extent of your abilities unknown 080
95. Keep expectation alive 080
96. The highest discretion 080
97. Obtain and preserve a reputation 080
98. Write your intentions in cypher 082
99. Reality and appearance 082
100. Be a man without illusions, a wise christian, a philosophic
courtier 082
101. One half of the world laughs at the other, and fools are they
all 084
102. Be able to stomach big slices of luck 084
103. Let each keep up his dignity 086
104. Know the demands of different occupations 086
105. Don’t be a bore 086
106. Do not parade your position 088
107. Show no self-satisfaction 088
108. The path to greatness is along with others 090
109. Be not censorious 090
110. Do not wait till you are a sinking sun 092
111. Have friends 092
112. Gain good-will 092
113. In prosperity prepare for adversity 094
114. Never compete 094
115. Get used to the failings of your familiars 096
116. Only act with honourable men 096
117. Never talk about yourself 096
118. Acquire the reputation of courtesy 098
119. Avoid becoming disliked 098
120. Live practically 098
121. Do not make a business of what is no business 104
122. Distinction in speech and action 104
123. Avoid affectation 104
124. Get yourself missed 106
125. Do not be a black list 106
126. Folly consists not in committing folly, but in not hiding it
when committed 108
127. Grace in everything 108
128. Highmindedness 108
129. Never complain 110
130. Do and be seen doing 110
131. Nobility of feeling 110
132. Revise your judgments 112
133. Better mad with the rest of the world than wise alone
134. Double your resources 114
135. Do not nourish the spirit of contradiction 114
136. Post yourself in the centre of things 114
137. The sage should be self-sufficing 116
138. The art of letting things alone 116
139. Recognize unlucky days 118
140. Find the good in a thing at once 118
141. Do not listen to yourself 120
142. Never from obstinacy take the wrong side because your opponent
has anticipated you in taking the right one 120
143. Never become paradoxical in order to avoid the trite 122
144. Begin with another’s to end with your own 122
145. Do not show your wounded finger 122
146. Look into the interior of things 124
147. Do not be inaccessible 124
148. Have the art of conversation 126
149. Know how to put off ills on others 126
150. Know how to get your price for things 126
151. Think beforehand 132
152. Never have a companion who casts you in the shade 132
153. Beware of entering where there is a great gap to be filled
154. Do not believe, or 1ike, lightly 134
155. The art of mastering your passions 134
156. Select your friends 136
157. Do not make mistakes about character 136
158. Make use of your friends 138
159. Put up with fools 138
160. Be careful in speaking 140
161. Know your pet faults 140
162. How to triumph over rivals and detractors 140
163. Never, from sympathy with the unfortunate, involve yourself in
his fate 142
164. Throw straws in the air 142
165. Wage war honourably 144
166. Distinguish the man of words from the man of deeds 144
167. Know how to take your own part 144
168. Do not indulge in the eccentricities of folly 146
169. Be more careful not to miss once than to hit a hundred times
170. In all things keep something in reserve 148
171. Do not waste influence 148
172. Never contend with a man who has nothing to lose 148
173. Do not be glass in intercourse, still less in friendship
174. Do not live in a hurry 150
175. A solid man 152
176. Have knowledge, or know those that have knowledge 152
177. Avoid familiarities in intercourse 154
178. Trust your heart 154
179. Reticence is the seal of capacity 154
180. Never be guided by what your enemy has done 156
181. The truth, but not the whole truth 160
182. A grain of boldness in everything 160
183. Do not hold your views too firmly 160
184. Do not be ceremonious 162
185. Never stake your credit on a single cast 162
186. Recognize faults, however high placed 164
187. Do pleasant things yourself, unpleasant things through others
188. Be the bearer of praise 164
189. Utilize another’s wants 166
190. Find consolation in all things 166
191. Do not take payment in politeness 168
192. Peaceful life, a long life 168
193. Watch him that begins with another’s to end with his own
194. Have reasonable views of yourself and of your affairs
195. Know how to appreciate 170
196. Know your ruling star 170
197. Do not carry fools on your back 172
198. Know how to transplant yourself 172
199. To find a proper place by merit, not by presumption 174
200. Leave something to wish for 174
201. They are all fools who seem so besides half the rest 176
202. Words and deeds make the perfect man 176
203. Know the great men of your age 176
204. Attempt easy tasks as if they were difficult, and difficult as
if they were easy 178
205. Know how to play the card of contempt 178
206. Know that there are vulgar people everywhere 180
207. Be moderate 180
208. Do not die of the fools’ disease 180
209. Keep yourself free from common follies 182
210. Know how to play the card of truth 182
211. In heaven all is bliss; in hell all misery 186
212. Keep to yourself the final touches of your art 186
213. Know how to contradict 186
214. Do not turn one blunder into two 188
215. Watch him that acts on second thoughts 188
216. Be expressive 190
217. Neither love nor hate forever 190
218. Never act from obstinacy but from knowledge 190
219. Do not pass for a hypocrite 192
220. If you cannot clothe yourself in lionskin use foxpelt
221. Do not seize occasions to embarrass yourself or others
222. Reserve is proof of prudence 194
223. Be not eccentric, neither from affectation nor carelessness
224. Never take things against the grain, no matter how they come
225. Know your chief fault 196
226. Take care to be obliging 196
227. Do not be the slave of first impressions 198
228. Do not be a scandal-monger 198
229. Plan out your life wisely 200
230. Open your eyes betimes 200
231. Never let things be seen half-finished 200
232. Have a touch of business sense 202
233. Let not the proffered morsel be distasteful; otherwise it
gives more discomfort than pleasure 202
234. Never trust your honour to another, unless you have his in
pledge 204
235. Know how to ask 204
236. Make an obligation beforehand of what would have to be a
reward afterwards 206
237. Never share the secrets of your superiors 206
238. Know what is wanting in yourself 208
239. Do not be captious 208
240. Make use of folly 208
241. Put up with raillery, but do not practise it 212
242. Push advantages 212
243. Do not be too much of a dove 212
244. Create a feeling of obligation 214
245. Original and out-of-the-way views are signs of superior
ability 214
246. Never offer satisfaction unless it is demanded 216
247. Know a little more, live a little less 216
248. Do not go with the last speaker 216
249. Never begin life with what should end it 218
250. When to change the conversation 218
251. Use human means as if there were no divine ones, and divine as
if there were no human ones 218
252. Neither belong entirely to yourself nor entirely to others
253. Do not explain overmuch 220
254. Never despise an evil, however small 220
255. Do good a little at a time,but often 222
256. Go armed, always 222
257. Never let matters come to a rupture 224
258. Find out someone to share your troubles 224
259. Anticipate injuries and turn them into favours 226
260. We belong to none and none to us,entirely 226
261. Do not follow up a folly 226
262. Be able to forget 228
263. Many things of taste one should not possess oneself 228
264. Have no careless days 228
265. Set those under you difficult task 230
266. Do not become bad from sheer goodness 230
267. Silken words, sugared manners 230
268. The wise does at once what the fool does at last 232
269. Make use of the novelty of your position 232
270. Do not condemn alone that which pleases all 234
271. In every occupation if you know little stick to the safest
path 238
272. Sell things by the tariff of courtesy 238
273. Comprehend their dispositions with whom you deal 238
274. Be attractive 240
275. Join in the game as far as decency permits 240
276. Know how to renew your character 242
277. Display yourself 242
278. Avoid notoriety in all things 244
279. Do not contradict the contradictor 244
280. Be trustworthy 244
281. Find favour with men of good sense 246
282. Make use of absence to make yourself more esteemed or valued
283. Have the gift of discovery 248
284. Do not be importunate 248
285. Never die of another’s ill-luck 248
286. Do not become responsible for all or for everyone 250
287. Never act in a passion 250
288. Live for the moment 250
289. Nothing depreciates a man more than to show he is a man like
other men 252
290. It is a piece of good fortune to combine men’s love and
respect 252
291. Know how to test people 252
292. Let your personal qualities surpass those of your office
293. Maturity 254
294. Be moderate in your views 254
295. Do not affect what you have not effected 256
296. Noble qualities 256
297. Always act as if your acts were seen 256
298. Three things go to a prodigy 258
299. Leave off hungry 258
300. In one word, be a saint 260



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